Staff pose

Sanskrit name

Dandasana (danda= staff/stick)


How to do Dandasana (staff pose)

Sit on the mat with your legs extended in front of you. Sit firmly on your sitbones. Therefore you can lift your buttocks with your hands to the sides. Engage the thighs, lift the kneecaps and flex your toes towards you to activate your legs.

Keep your torso straight and your spine aligned. Roll your shoulders back and down and place your hands next to your glutes. Fingertips are looking in front, palms facing down. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

Inhale, feel the parts of your body firmly planted on the mat, exhale and press slightly with your palms into the mat to lift from your hips your sternum, opening the chest. Bring your navel back to the spine. Lengthen through the crown of your spine.

Stay in this pose several minutes and observe your position.

Dandasana is a very good pose to practice before entering into Paschimottanasana(seated forward bend) or to set a good foundation for other seated positions like seated spinal twist.



  • Strengthens the back muscles
  • Stretches the shoulders and chest, harmstrings
  • Improves posture



lower back injury

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