Mountain pose (Tadasana)

Sanskrit name:

Tadasana (Tada = mountain)


How to do Tadasana

Stand with both feet on the mat. Your feet are together or hip width apart. The purpose of the pose is to stand balanced, steady and calm on both feet, so you create a good foundation for other standing poses. Therefore it’s important to build up this pose with high awareness. So we go mentally step by step through every part of the body, activating each muscle. It helps to imagine a stream of light that goes through your body lengthening you up to the sky.


Plant your “Tadasana feet”

Start to ground yourself.  To plant your feet firmly on the ground, lift up all toes, stretch them out and place them one by one on the mat, starting from the pinky toe. Feel your toes and soles (outer edges) of the feet firmly placed on the mat. Continue with your legs: In order to lift your kneecaps up press your big toes (!) into the mat. Also engage quads and harmstring muscles equally and activate your inner (adductors) and outer (abductors) thighs.

In order to protect you lumbar spine pay attention on your tailbone tucking slightly under and on your abdomen, bringing belly button back to the spine. You hips are over your ankles.

Now we continue with the upper body: While you inhale, feel your torso expanding and lift up through your chest. Roll your shoulders up and on the exhale down. By bringing your shoulder blades slightly together, you open your chest even more.

Bring the focus in your arms alongside your body. Inhale and turn biceps and palms to the front, exhale and reach down through your fingertips to the floor. The palm of your hand is open and fingers are active.

Take several breaths here, exploring mountain pose. Close your eyes, observe and with every breath go deeper and rise your awareness. Enjoy the steadiness and tranquility of the pose.

Tadasana is the basic foundation for any other standing position as trikonasanatree pose or the warrior poses.


Special focus on

Feet: focus on a firm stand, avoid to fall on the outer edges of your feet. Even your body weight.

Shoulders: relaxed and away from the ears.

Legs and buttocks: keep them activated, engaging muscles.



Tadasana is the foundation for all standing poses.

  • Improves body balance and posture
  • increases your concentration
  • brings groundedness, stability and confidence.



extreme form of low blood pressure, headache, dizziness

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