Tree pose

Sanskrit name

Vrksasana (vrksa = tree)


How to do tree pose

Start in Tadasana. Shift your body weight on your left leg and ground yourself firmly through your left foot into the mat, just as a tree reaching its roots into the ground. Inhale and feel the stability in this position, exhale and straighten your spine, lifting from your hips, your chest and the crown of your head.

Inhale and bend your right leg, knee is tunring to the outside. Place the sole of your foot on the inside of your left leg, wherever you reach: calves or inner thights (don’t place it on the knee joint). Toes are looking towards the ground. The center of your pelvis should be over your left foot and your hips aligned, facing parallel forward.

Find your balance here, focusing one point in front of you. Inhale an raise your arms straight over your head. You can either stay with your arms open and parallel, palms are facing each other. Or you bring the palms of your hands together in Namasté. Observe the different sensation of these two options.

Stay calm and breath. Focus on opening your chest, bringing shoulders back and down. Maintain your supporting leg active and strong, pressing your foot into the ground and engaging your thighs. Lengthen your tailbone to the ground to protect your lower back.

Stay in the pose for several breaths.

To get out of the pose: Exhale, lower down your arms and release your leg back to the ground. Come back into mountain pose for a moment.

Repeat on the other side.


Special focus on

Arms: Keep your arms straight.

lower back: Bring your navel back to your spine and tuck your tailbone slightly under.



  • Strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine
  • Stretches the groins and inner thighs, chest and shoulders
  • Relieves sciatica and reduces flat feet
  • increases balance, focus, memory and concentration



recent or chronic knee or hip injury

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