Wheel pose (Upward bow)

Sanskrit name

Urdhva (=upwards) Dhanurasana (=bow-pose)

How to do wheel pose

Lie on your back with your legs bended. Feet are placed on the floor close to your sitting bones, maximum hip width apart.

Place your hands on the mat just above your shoulders. Fingers are spread and pointing towards your shoulders.

Prepare a good foundation before lifting up your body: Make sure you press palms of your hand and foot soles firmly into the ground. Elbows are not falling outwards. Keep your arms and leg strong. Bring your shoulder blades together.

Inhale and start lifting up your buttocks, back and head from the floor, arching your back. Put the crown of your head on the floor inbetween your hands to take a moment to readjust your position. Take a breath and on the next inhale, press firmly your hands and and feet into the mat to lift up completely, hips and stomach as high as you can.

Stay for several breaths or one minute in wheel pose.

Special focus on

knees and elbows: keep them together, don’t let them fall out to the sides.

neck and head: keep them relaxes and free. No tension.



  • Stretches the chest and lungs
  • Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and spine
  • Strengthens your low back muscles and relieves (lower) back pain
  • Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary
  • Opens your heart, counteracts depression



back injuries, wrist problems, high blood pressure, headache

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