Joannas classes have been my first experience with Yoga and have influenced my self-perception in a crucial way. The classes were part of the rare moments in my life when I felt that my body and my self-conscious are connect to one. Personally that was the most beautiful thing Yoga showed me: To overcome the somehow constructed dichotomy between body and self. (Body vs. soul/ character etc.)
While practicing Yoga I sometimes achieve to incorporate my body into my own self-perception and connect to it. This felt really different than all the other sportive activities I’ve tried out before: Instead of having the feeling to work against my body or having to improve it I could work with, feel my body and love it meanwhile.
Through this connection Joannas classes meant a lot to me during difficult moments: By straining my body and accepting it I would also have to accept my feelings and sometimes identifying them being self-destructive and letting them go. Joanna managed to create a loving, calm and safe space in which one has the chance to feel, at least for those hours, acceptance for you as a whole.
Now, having moved back to Berlin and being at a different Yoga class I can even more appreciate her balance between guidance – so you will learn the pose with all it’s risks- and the calmness, for letting yourself find out about your personal expression of the asana.
Thank you so much for this wonderful experience, your patience and love!