As good as if not better than anything I’ve done before

I met Joanna and her friends very fortuitously my first evening in Sevilla, and found out that she had been to India and taught yoga herself there in Sevilla. Always up for some yoga, I was happy to be able to drop in for one of Joanna’s classes a couple of days later. I’ve done some yoga back home in Bangalore in India, and even a one month teacher training course in Mumbai, apart from  attending a few classes in Paris where I live now, but found Joanna’s class amazing, as good as if not better than anything I’ve done before. She led the class very gently but firmly with a calm assuring voice, is clearly very well versed in asanas and pranayama, but more than that she has a deeper understanding of yoga as a philosophy and a way of life. Her personality radiates peace, warmth and love, and she is great at sharing all this with everyone at her classes. I was glad to be go back for another drop-in session later that week and enjoyed it as much. I follow her page on Facebook, and it is clear that Joanna is a natural yogi, and brings much needed peace & love to the world.


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