Sanskrit name
Virabhadrasana II (vira= hero, bhadra= friend)
How to do Warrior II
Start in Tadasana, with your hips facing to the long side of your mat. On an exhale open the distance between your feet stepping with your left leg to the left side. Raise your arms up to the sides, parallel to the floor. Keep them straight and active. Your feet should be as wide apart, so that your ankles are approx. under your wrists.
Turn your back foot (left) slightly inwards to protect your ankle and open your front food so your toes are parallel to the short side of the mat. Inhale and lift up from your hips, exhale and bend your right leg, bringing the knee over your right ankle. Your right leg forms a 90° angle. Press firmly into the mat with both feet and balance your body weight on both legs.
Open your chest rotating your shoulders back and down. Your hips stay parallel to the long side of the mat. Tuck your tailbone slightly under to lengthen your spine, belly button goes back activation your abs.
Look over the middle finger of your right hand, practicing your drishti. Every finger remains active and strong.
Stay in warrior II for several breaths. Keep your focus and breathe calmly.
Special focus on
Body weight: Equal the body weight on both feet, planting both feet into the ground. Balance and find your center.
Alignment: Once stable and secure with your body weight balanced, keep your spine aligned from your tailbone to the crown of your spine. Avoid to lean forwards or backwards.
Arms and fingers: no lazy arms, keep them active
- Improves alignment of the legs, hips, and shoulders.
- Strengthens legs, ankles, groins and shoulders
- Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
- Stimulates abdominal organs
- Relieves backaches
- Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis, and sciatica
- Increases ability to focus, calmness of mind and breath
knee injuries, hip pain, neck problems (keep your gaze to the front)