Yoga-Can-Do Classes
Yoga can be your shelter, your friend and your everyday companion.
- Free your body and mind from unnecessary burdens
- Create space to connect to your true Self and inner strength
- Balance your everyday with a conscious and balanced yoga practice
Do you know what yoga can do? That yoga is much more than asanas? Yoga is more than just a physical workout or holding postures while breathing. Yoga is a powerful practice to heal from within, to free yourself and renew your body, mind and spirit.
During the day we fill our body with food, drinks, toxic substances. We experience stress and tension, hurrying from one meeting to another. We sit hours in front of our computer, in our car or the bus, in reunions or catching up with friends having coffee. All these factors have a direct influence on our body and mind. We contract muscles, tense our bodies, and influence different emotions during the day. All this exterior stimulus keeps our mind and body busy and causes constant burdens, we charge on our shoulders. When do you take time to renew and free yourself?
Yoga as a moment of self awareness and liberation
We all need a practice to rejuvenate and clean our Self from the busy life and the burdens we charge on our shoulders. We need to learn to control our energy level, stay vital and healthy, in balance with our individual need and in contact with our inner Self.
In my Yoga classes I focus on the self healing force we all have within. Yoga helps to connect and makes you more sensitive for your own needs and present state. From a self loving, accepting attitude, we start a yogic journey of knowing ourselves better. Once we connect, we can practice self care and respect to heal our personal imbalances.
A complete Hatha Yoga practice turning inwards
Hatha Yoga means simply a Yoga including the body. Most of the styles we know in the west are Hatha Yoga. A complete Hatha Yoga practice (doesn’t matter if Ashtanga Vinyasa or traditional Hatha) should include: asana (poses), pranayama (breathing techniques), mudra (psychic gestures), bandha (energy locks), and kriyas (cleansing techniques). When we practice all the elements of Yoga, we can experience its full healing potential.
Power of the breath
Breathing is the essential element in my classes. No breathing. No Yoga. It is the perfect indicator about your present state. With the breath you enter deeper into a pose, you can master you mind and connect to the deepest layers of yourself.
The mind is the king of the senses, and the breath is the king of the mind.
B.K.S. Iyengar
My style: Hatha meets Yin
Yin Yoga is an important part of my teachings. I include them in my regular classes and engage a frequent Yin Yoga practice to balance our personal constitution. Yin Yoga comes from Tao Yoga, based on TCM. It works with the five elements theory and the meridians in our body. In our body it triggers bones and connective tissues, working with the ligaments and joints. You hold a posture for 3-5 minutes in order to allow the blood to reach the deeper areas in your body. The focus and intension is more introspective, working with the qualities of release and surrender.
What my students say
As good as if not better than anything I’ve done before

I met Joanna and her friends very fortuitously my first evening in Sevilla, and found out that she had been to India and taught yoga herself there in Sevilla. Always up for some yoga, I was happy to be able to drop in for one of Joanna’s classes a couple of days later. I’ve done some yoga back home in Bangalore in India, and even a one month teacher training course in Mumbai, apart from attending a few classes in Paris where I live now, but found Joanna’s class amazing, as good as if not better than anything I’ve done before. She led the class very gently but firmly with a calm assuring voice, is clearly very well versed in asanas and pranayama, but more than that she has a deeper understanding of yoga as a philosophy and a way of life. Her personality radiates peace, warmth and love, and she is great at sharing all this with everyone at her classes. I was glad to be go back for another drop-in session later that week and enjoyed it as much. I follow her page on Facebook, and it is clear that Joanna is a natural yogi, and brings much needed peace & love to the world.
positive and healing effects

Already in my first yoga class with Joanna I could feel the positive and healing effects they have on me. By giving only small classes, she makes sure there is space for everyone´s individual needs. Her classes are physically demanding and activating for the whole body, but slow enough to stay in touch with your body and pay attention to every detail of the asanas. She supports the yoga praxis with physical and spiritual guidance and even some reiki energy channelling, so her students can get the most of it. In her classes I can reconnect with my body, mind and inner self and maintain that connection, consciousness and positive energy into my daily life. I had attended some yoga-classes in various studios before but had never felt anything close to the positive and healing effects I feel in her classes. I can see the positive long-term-effects for my life and feel so grateful for everything I have already learned from Joanna.
like a little retreat from everyday life

Being a student in Joanna’s Yoga class was incredible. I tried Yoga a few times before but never felt a real connection to it. Either the classes were extremely spiritual or they were just a loose number of exercises in big groups. With Joanna for the first time I started to enjoy Yoga classes. She knows how to adapt her classes not only to her students needs but also to the mood everyone’s in. Joanna only teaches in small groups so that she is able focus on every single student. With her nice calming voice classes were always like a little retreat from everyday life. Every time I woke up from Savasana (the dead body pose in the end of each class) I felt like coming back to earth from another planet.
Thank you so much Joanna for showing me how to enjoy Yoga and for making me want to stick to it.
a loving, calm and safe space
Joannas classes have been my first experience with Yoga and have influenced my self-perception in a crucial way. The classes were part of the rare moments in my life when I felt that my body and my self-conscious are connect to one. Personally that was the most beautiful thing Yoga showed me: To overcome the somehow constructed dichotomy between body and self. (Body vs. soul/ character etc.)
While practicing Yoga I sometimes achieve to incorporate my body into my own self-perception and connect to it. This felt really different than all the other sportive activities I’ve tried out before: Instead of having the feeling to work against my body or having to improve it I could work with, feel my body and love it meanwhile.
Through this connection Joannas classes meant a lot to me during difficult moments: By straining my body and accepting it I would also have to accept my feelings and sometimes identifying them being self-destructive and letting them go. Joanna managed to create a loving, calm and safe space in which one has the chance to feel, at least for those hours, acceptance for you as a whole.
Now, having moved back to Berlin and being at a different Yoga class I can even more appreciate her balance between guidance – so you will learn the pose with all it’s risks- and the calmness, for letting yourself find out about your personal expression of the asana.
Thank you so much for this wonderful experience, your patience and love!
an act of love

Joanna was the first yoga “teacher” I’ve had (though she doesn’t like the term 😉 ) and although I’ve tried other teachers afterwards, it’s with her that I most experience what I’ve always considered yoga to be: Rather than a sports discipline, a lifestyle, a moment of encounter with myself, an act of love. She teaches her classes with professionalism and affection, but also with vulnerability and humour. This way, she creates a space that’s human and very healing.